Monday, July 12, 2010

Just A Funny Story...

This is a picture from back in March when Lance and I really wanted to go camping but it was too cold. I figured out how to make do in our apartment! Luckily it is warm enough to go real camping soon.

On sunday we were teaching our darling little 6 yr olds. We had only 3 boys there for the holiday weekend. The lesson was on gratitude and I think I take the manual for granted in that it is always age appropriate. We start the lesson by filling a cup with water. As each kid says something they are grateful for they pour a spoonful of water into the cup. (of course everyone was grateful for fireworks- several times!!!) anyway we bring the kids back inside after the cup has overfilled. (I wasn't going to do that inside!!) I try to explain the analogy that we are blessed to overflowing as well. Now 6 year olds are literal. They look at you like you are from another planet if you don't explain well. (I am quite familiar with this look) So in an attempt to try to explain, I reminded them how last week we walked around like sheep and followed a shepherd but that we weren't "really" sheep and that we follow Jesus. They are looking at me like, "yeah. so?" I try to explain that we are like the cup (which gets them giggling) and that Jesus pours out blessing. I am actually quite proud of the way I tied it all together until the serious kid in the class looks at me all confused and says, "Jesus is a SPOON??"
Now I admit, I did not keep a straight face but I do pray that if anything stuck in their heads from that lesson, please let it be that they did not go home thinking Jesus is a utensil!