Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stinky frogs and hectic packing!

I am so happy that your surgery went well. I wish that I had been able to be there for you.

Sorry that I haven't been posting on this blog, but I have been sooooooo busy at work. The picture above shows me demonstrating the use of our crazy new setup for galvanized wire coiling. Orgionally, we got the wire on big spools that we spun onto the macine that I am holding. My boss forgot to order more spools and we ran out! We got some wire but the only way to get the HUGE coil (it's under the ladder) to not bind up all the time was to use this crazy, jury-rigged contraption. the best part if the story is that later the same day the company's insurance adjuster showed up! It all worked out though. One of the worst jobs at work is making, not live ones! Frogs are plastic parts that look like this:

These parts have ammonia in them so they smell...interesting (like a bathroom). Needless to say, I now shower when I get home instead of before I leave. Ewwww...
I am also trying frantically to get packed for college (6 DAYS. GAAAA!). There is so much going on right now; it's insane!
I hope that you are doing well. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. No wonder no one flirts with you at work! ;) Oh that and they are all old enough to be your mother - who is beautiful and worth flirting with! :)
    Did I cover all my bases???
