Sunday, July 26, 2009

Michael's a Deacon!!!!

Dear Grama Beth, I am happy to say that last week I got the laying on of hands and became a deacon! I also got to pass the sacrement for the first time! I knew that the spirit has helped me get this gift. How I felt is great happyness and nervis because I am finally becoming a man. I say this with all my love.
From, Michael
P.S.Thank you for the cards I love them! I miss you and hope to see you again.


  1. Congratulations Michael! You are growing up so fast... I hope you find joy as you fulfill the duties of the priesthood.

  2. Michael,
    I'm so happy for you. I remember when you told me how important the priesthood is and I'm grateful that you are a young man who wants to serve the Lord.
    Love YOU,
